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Become an AWS Cloud Architect

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Course Report - Become an AWS Cloud Architect

Course Report

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Course Features



3 months


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop












10 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Cloud Computing is an extremely growing market with the global public cloud computing market exceeding $250 billion in 2019. More than 80% of organizations are expected to migrate to cloud computing by 2025. Cloud architecture professionals are highly sought after, as they have over 13,000 jobs worldwide. Cloud Architects help organizations determine the best strategy to build and maintain reliable, scalable and secure cloud services. AWS is the largest system business in the world and a Cloud Architect can earn an average salary of $159,000.
This program graduates will be able:

  • AWS provides a platform for designing and deploying resilient and fault-tolerant web services.
  • Monitor availability and simulate and evaluate failure scenarios and recovery.
  • Optimize cloud service infrastructure to optimize cost and performance.
  • Terraform allows you to provision and configure AWS Services in a global setting.
  • Assess the security risks of a cloud environment.
  • Use best practices for cloud security to secure and harden the environment.
  • Create a DevSecOps process that scans infrastructure for vulnerabilities, including code, AMI, containers and AWS cloud configuration.



Career Impact

Top 1 Percentile



Top 10 Percentile


Course Credibility

Top 20 Percentile


Rating & Reviews

Top 30 Percentile




Course Credibility

Delivered through Udacity a renowned institution in the field, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience.



This comprehensive course equips you with all major AWS skills applicable to your daily life. Personalized teaching ensures one-on-one doubt resolution with faculty, maximizing skill acquisition. These practical skills empower you to confidently apply your knowledge and thrive in various real-life situations. An exceptional course in AWS, this stands out for its Self Paced learning approach. Learners have the flexibility to progress at their own speed, tailoring the experience to their individual needs.


Career Impact

This course is exceptional, ranking among the top 1 percentile in AWS for its significant career impact and excellent job assistance. Learners benefit from valuable career opportunities and support, enabling them to secure relevant positions and excel in the industry. The course's dual focus on career impact and job assistance enhances its value, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to advance their careers and succeed in the AWS field.


Rating & Reviews

This highly acclaimed course is among the top-rated in AWS, boasting a rating greater than 4 and an overall rating of 5.0. Its exceptional quality sets it apart, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking top-notch learning experience in AWS.

Course Overview


Job Assistance


Personlized Teaching


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training,Industry Exposure


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Skills You Will Gain


Experience with Web Development (HTML, CSS), Object-Oriented Programming, Linux Command Line Basics

Have 1-2 years of experience in developing apps or managing cloud infrastructure that have been deployed using AWS

Basic understanding of and some hands on experience using compute, networking, storage, and database AWS services

Familiarity with concepts related to web application architecture, hosting, infrastructure, and components (eg web servers and databases, SSL certificates, CDN etc)

Equivalent experience to having completed the Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree program or the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program

What You Will Learn

Design and deploy a fault tolerant and resilient web service architecture in AWS

Monitor availability and simulate and test failure scenarios and recovery

Optimize cloud service infrastructure for cost and performance

Use Terraform to provision and configure AWS services in a global configuration

Evaluate a cloud environment’s security vulnerabilities

Apply best practices in cloud security to harden and secure the environment

Design a DevSecOps pipeline that will scan infrastructure as code, AMI and containers, and AWS cloud configuration for vulnerabilities

Target Students

DevOps Engineer

Cloud Programmer

Course Instructors

Author Image

Tom Verbiscer

Director of Engineering at Current Media

Tom is a coach and builder specializing in creating, running, and advancing highly scalable, reliable, and flexible platforms. He is AWS Certified at the professional tier as both an AWS Solutions Architect, and DevOps Engineer.
Author Image

Leslie Bell

Disaster Recovery Specialist at Aon

Leslie Bell is a Senior Solutions Architect specializing in IT Governance and Disaster Recovery. She has worked in technology across a number of industries, from scientific research, chemical analysi...
Author Image

Mehdi Razvi

Senior Cloud Architect at Nuera Automotive Solutions

Mehdi is a senior cloud architect and consultant based out of the Chicago area. He loves helping companies large and small build, deploy, and run their applications in the cloud. Most recently, he ha...

Course Reviews

Average Rating Based on 5 reviews



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