Caffe2: Getting Started

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121 minutes


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Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

121 minutes

Course Description

Caffe2 is an open source deep learning framework. It competes with frameworks like TensorFlow and Apache MXNet. It is focused on efficiency and can be used in constrained environments like mobile devices. Caffe2: Get Started will teach you the basics of Caffe2 and how to use it. You'll also learn about the Caffe2 Model Zoo and how to import models from PyTorch into Caffe2 via ONNX. You'll first learn the fundamental building blocks of Caffe2, including workspaces, blobs, nets, operators and nets. Then, you will build neural networks that can perform tasks like classification and regression. Next, you will be introduced to common image processing techniques and the Caffe2 Model Zoo that offers many pre-trained models for common uses. Next, you will focus on interoperability of the PyTorch deep-learning framework and Caffe2 with ONNX, an open-source framework for exporting models between one framework. You'll also use ONNX for moving a super-resolution model between PyTorch and Caffe2. This course will teach you how to build and execute neural networks using Caffe2. You'll also learn how to use ONNX to switch between frameworks.

Course Overview


International Faculty


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Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

Learning framework and competitor to frameworks such as TensorFlow, Apache MXNet and PyTorch

It's focus is on efficiency and works well with constrained environments such as on mobile devices

In this course, Caffe2 Getting Started, you'll learn the fundamentals of building neural nets and working with Caffe2, get introduced to the Caffe2 Model Zoo and see how you can import models from PyTorch to Caffe2 using ONNX

First, you'll discover the basic building blocks of Caffe2, blobs and workspaces, nets and operators, and put those together to build neural networks to perform tasks such as regression and classification

Then, you'll get introduced to common image pre-processing techniques and the Caffe2 Model Zoo which offers a wide variety of pre-trained models for common use cases

Next, you'll focus on interoperability between the PyTorch deep learning framework and Caffe2 using ONNX, an open source framework for exporting models from one framework to another

Last, you'll use ONNX to move a super-resolution model from PyTorch to Caffe2

By the end of this course, you should be comfortable building and executing neural networks using Caffe2, using pre-trained models for common tasks and using ONNX to move from one framework to another

Course Instructors

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Janani Ravi


Janani has a Masters degree from Stanford and worked for 7+ years at Google. She was one of the original engineers on Google Docs and holds 4 patents for its real-time collaborative editing framework...
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