In this you tube marketing course, you will learn everything to get started! Whether you run your own business, are helping someone else's businesses, or want to learn an in-demand skill that can help you get hired, this is the perfect course for you! Why should you take this you tube marketing course? Phil ebiner, instructor of this course, has been using you tube to grow his own small business. Since less than 5 years, he's grown it to a 7-figure business, using you tube as a primary method to get new customers. FroMphil - in this course, I will show you all of my exact strategies to grow my you tube channel and business. There are no secrets I do not share with you. You will learn all of my techniques in this course. Premium support unlike some other online courses, or trying to learn these techniques on your own through blog articles or even you tube videos, we are here to help. If you get stuck or have questions, you will get answers. You will get personalized attention and support as a student of this course! Our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will refund you your money - no questions asked! We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the course. That's why we are happy to offer you this money-back guarantee.