5 Fastest Growing Jobs in Bengaluru in 2024

Data Scientists

Demand surged due to AI & analytics growth

Key skills: Machine Learning, Python, Data Visualization

Salary Upto: ₹3,989,500 per annum

Industries hiring: IT, E-commerce, Healthcare

AI and Machine Learning Engineers

Spearheading innovation in tech

Must-have skills: AI/ML algorithms, Python, Tensorflow

Major employers: Tech giants, Automotive, Fintech

Salary Upto: ₹4,896,381 per annum

Cybersecurity Analyst

Critical with rising cyber threats

Skills needed: Ethical hacking, Network security, Compliance

Sectors: IT services, Banking, Startups

Salary Upto: ₹3,050,323 per annum

Digital Marketing Specialists

Growth driven by digitalization of businesses

Essential skills: SEO, Content Marketing, Analytics

Hiring sectors: Retail, Media, Education

Salary Upto: ₹2,965,505 per annum

Renewable Energy Experts

Boosted by India's green energy goals

Key areas: Solar power management, Wind energy, Sustainability planning

Employers: Energy firms, Government projects, Startups

Salary Upto: ₹180,000 per annum

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