Is MBA a Scam? Find the Truth Here!

A Scam?!

MBA isn't necessarily a scam, but it isn't for everyone. Students see MBA as a path to high-paying jobs, but that is not always the reality. Let’s weigh MBA and see if it is a good investment!

High Costs

Additional expenses: accommodation, books, and lost income

Top MBA programs in India can cost up to ₹20 lakhs

Financial burden is significant for many families

Uncertain ROI

Not all MBA graduates secure high-paying jobs

ROI varies widely by institution and industry

Many graduates struggle with student loans

Quality of Education

Fresh graduates often opt for MBA aimlessly in the pursuit of a job

But they often lack the practical skills that are required by the industries

MBA is a specialization degree which is good for people with work experience

Corporate Sponsorships

Companies like TCS offer MBA sponsorships

Fresh graduates can pursue MBAs from tie-up institutes like IIMs

In exchange, they commit to work with the company for a set period

Alternative Paths

Gaining work experience before an MBA can be beneficial

Online courses, certifications, and in-company training

Many successful professionals thrive without an MBA

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