4 Best Side Hustles to Earn Extra Money as a Web Developer

Freelance Web Development

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer a plethora of projects

Showcase your skills, build a strong portfolio, and start bidding on projects that align with your expertise

Turn your coding prowess into a source of income

Create and Sell WordPress Themes

Design unique, eye-catching themes that cater to different industries

Sell your creations on platforms like ThemeForest

It's an ever-growing passive income stream

Online Coding Courses

Create online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable

Teach beginners or delve into advanced topics

Not only does it enhance your teaching skills, but it also provides a steady income

Develop and Sell Web Apps

Identify a need in the market and develop a web application to address it

Whether it's a productivity tool or a niche service, platforms like Shopify or your own website can be a storefront for your creations

Learn How to Become a  Web Developer in 2024