4 In-Demand Lucrative Jobs You Can Score With Coding Skills in 2024

Full Stack Software  Developer

Proficient in both front-end and back-end development

Career opportunities include app development, freelancing, and entrepreneurship

Average Salary: $83,141 per annum

Front-end Developer

Specialize in creating visually appealing and responsive website interfaces

Opportunities include website design, maintenance, and freelancing

Average Salary: $81,985 per annum

Back-end Developer

Builds the functional core of websites, handling databases, algorithms, and APIs

Opportunities in backend development, freelancing, and automation scripting

Average Salary: $90,567 per annum

Cyber Security Engineer

Protects IT systems from internal and external threats, staying updated on hacking trends

High demand due to evolving technology and increasing cybersecurity concerns

Average Salary: $101,405 per annum

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Start Your Coding Journey With Python in 2024