5 Best Machine Learning Courses for Beginners

AWS Machine Learning Engineer

Provider: Udacity

Price: ₹9,875/mo

Duration: 5 months

USP: Post Course Interactions

Introduction to Machine Learning and AI

Provider: Future Learn

Price: ₹3097

Duration: 4 weeks

USP: Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Machine Learning with Mahout Certification Training

Provider: Edureka

Price: ₹8,009

Access: Lifetime

USP: Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Introduction to Machine Learning

Provider: Duke University via Coursera

Price: ₹2,001/mo

Duration: 26 hours

USP: Post Course Interactions

Machine Learning Fundamentals

Provider: University of California via edX

Price: ₹24,495

Duration: 10 weeks

USP: Post Course Interactions

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