5 Best Ways to Learn Hacking for Free

Open-Source Tools

Utilize open-source tools like Metasploit, Wireshark, and Nmap for hands-on learning


Online Courses

Explore websites like Careervira to look for free hacking courses such as Check Point Jump Start: Harmony Endpoint Security by edX

Capture The Flag (CTF) Challenges

Participate in CTF challenges on Hack The Box, to solve real-world hacking scenarios which will enhance your practical skills

Hacking Blogs & Forums

Follow Offensive Security Blog for tutorials or engage in hacking forums like Reddit's /r/HowToHack and Hack Forums for discussions 

Virtual Labs

Access virtual labs such as PentesterLab and WebGoat.

Practice your hacking skills on purposely vulnerable environments

Master the Art of Ethical Hacking with Top Courses Today