5 Essentials of Cybersecurity That You Must Have!

Firewall - Your First Line of Defense

A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer & the internet by monitoring incoming & outgoing network traffic. It filters out potential threats & malicious activities, safeguarding your system. 


Strong & Unique Passwords

Avoid common passwords & consider using a password manager to store them securely. Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible, adding an extra layer of protection.


Regular Software Updates

Software updates prevent hackers from exploiting them. Enable automatic updates for your operating system, antivirus software, web browsers, & other applications to stay protected.


Anti-Malware Protection

Install reputable antivirus & anti-malware software to detect & remove malicious programs. Regularly scan your computer for any potential threats.


Data Backup & Recovery

Regularly back up your important files & documents to an external hard drive, cloud storage, or secure location. This ensures you can recover your data even if your system is compromised.


Stay Vigilant & Practice Cybersecurity!