5 High-Paying Jobs for Outdoor Lovers

Wildlife Photographer

Average Salary: $65,011 per year

Use photography to raise awareness about conservation issues

Skills: Adobe Photoshop, Technical Photography


Average Salary: $60,626 per year

Monitor and assess the impact of human activity on wildlife habitats

Skills: Animal Healthcare Operations, Health Data Analysis


Average Salary: $60,286 per year

Conduct fieldwork to collect samples and analyze geological data

Skills: Data Modeling, Renewable Energy Conservation

Environmental Engineer

Average Salary: $70,075 per year

Conduct environmental impact assessments for construction projects or industrial facilities

Skills: Environmental Studies in Civil Engineering, Enviormental Protection

Agricultural Engineer

Average Salary: $79,602 per year

Design sustainable farming practices to optimize crop yield and minimize environmental impact

Skills: CAD, Agricultural Biotechnology

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