5 Highest Paying Jobs in Delhi 2024

Machine Learning Expert

Job Description: Utilize machine learning techniques to predict future outcomes

Skills Needed: Machine Learning Algorithms, Data Analysis

Salary: Approximately Rs. 8 lakhs per annum

Corporate Lawyer

Job Description: Handle legal obligations, structure businesses, draft contracts

Skills Needed: Legal Expertise, Negotiation, Writing Skills

Salary: About Rs. 9 lakhs per annum

Data Scientist

Job Description: Analyze vast volumes of data to derive insights for companies

Skills Needed: Coding, Statistics, Machine Learning Algorithms

Salary: Average of Rs. 10 lakhs per annum

Full-stack Software Developer

Job Description: Develop both front-end and back-end of software

Skills Needed: Proficiency in various programming languages

Salary: Around Rs. 14 lakhs per annum

Investment Banker

Job Description: Provide financial advice, handle investments, mergers, and acquisitions

Skills Needed: Statistical Analysis, International Business Strategies

Salary: Approximately Rs. 18 lakhs per annum

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