5 Odisha-based Start Ups That Everyone Should Know About

BookingJini - Revolutionizing Hotel Management

Founded by Sibasish Mishra in 2016, Bhubaneswar

SaaS platform empowering small & medium hotels

Helps hotels increase direct bookings & bypass OTA commissions

Vedi Herbals - Integrating Cannabis & Ayurveda

Founded by Sourab Agarwal in 2016, Bhubaneswar

Offers cannabis-infused medicine & Ayurvedic products

Ventures into hemp body products with AYUSH certification

Santaan - Bridging Fertility Care Gaps

Founded by Raghab Prasad Panda in 2014, Bhubaneswar

Offers multi-centre fertility care & research facilities

Developing innovative solutions like Fertilite for remote treatment

Impact Health - Democratizing Healthcare

Founded by Anshuman Sahoo & Ashish Rawat in 2020, Bhubaneswar

Connects healthcare providers, pharma companies, and labs

Ensures affordable and accessible healthcare especially in rural India

MachPhy - Reinventing Cold-Chain Solutions

Founded by Pradeep Rout, Suraj Kumar, and Gaurav Anand in 2017, Bhubaneswar

Develops low-temperature storage and transportation devices

Serving sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and food processing units

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