5 Tidbits for Aspiring Cybersecurity Analysts

A Secure Career

With data getting bigger and technology smarter, hackers are also keeping up. in the next 2 years, i.e., by 2025, the job market for this role is expected to grow by 11%

Not the Easiest Job

Cybercriminals are not amateurs. In fact, you are up against one of the industry's most profitable businesses, Cybercrime. So, you need professional training.

Not As Fancy As in Movies

Cyber Security is an everyday effort. You are saving the world every day, and not like in movies where you can hit the keyboard and save the world.

Your Negligence is a Costly Risk

Hackers are not your only enemy. At times, it is your negligence or your colleagues' can cost your company a fortune. 

Stay Updated!

Cybercrime evolves with time, and you must stay updated and evolve with new practices. Lifelong learning is the only way to protect your company.

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