5 Top Non Technical AI Jobs of the Future

AI Ethicist

Ensure ethical considerations guide AI development and deployment

Guide AI product development based on moral principles and societal impacts

Average salary: $120,000/year; increasing demand as AI integration grows

Project Manager

Oversee AI initiatives aligning with organizational objectives

Manage complex AI projects, driving efficiency and innovation

Average salary: $95,000/year; expected growth of 6% annually

AI Researcher (Non-technical)

Focus on societal, economic, and philosophical aspects of AI

Drive efficiency, predict business trends, and automate tasks

Average earnings: $150,000 - $250,000/year across various industries

AI Solutions Consultant

Assist companies in developing and optimizing AI components

Lead strategy development, technical assistance, and implementation

Average salary: $125,000/year; top earners up to $200,000/year

Social Media Strategist

Leverage AI tools to enhance digital marketing efforts

Utilize AI for content creation, data tracking, and campaign evaluation

Median salary: $57,000/year; higher than the national average

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