6 Highest Paying Jobs in Bangalore in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

Starting average salary: ₹927,579 per annum

Proficiency in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing essential

AI technologies driving innovation across industries

Data Scientist

Starting average salary: ₹870,569 per annum

High demand due to the proliferation of data-driven decision-making

Skills in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Programming are crucial

Cloud Architect

Starting average salary: ₹666,343 per annum

Increasing adoption of cloud computing for scalability and cost-effectiveness

Expertise in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud crucial for architecture design

Cybersecurity Analyst

Starting average salary: 517,807 per annum

Rising cyber threats necessitate robust security measures

Proficiency in Network Security, Ethical Hacking, and Risk Management highly valued

Blockchain Developer

Starting average salary: ₹513,770 per annum

Growing interest in blockchain for secure transactions and smart contracts

Skills in Cryptography, distributed ledger technology, and Blockchain frameworks required

Check Out the Highest Paying AI Career Choices in 2024

Explore the Fastest Growing Jobs in Bangalore in 2024