A Dive into Deep Learning vs. Neural Networks

What are Neural Networks?

Neural networks are models inspired by the human brain. They consist of an input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer that processes data to make decisions

How is Deep Learning Different?

Deep learning is an advanced form of neural network with hidden layers that learn complex relationships between input and output data.

Neural Networks in Action

Neural networks power virtual assistants, self-driving cars, & medical diagnostic systems using datasets to provide accurate predictions.

 Deep Learning Potential

Deep learning algorithms like convolutional neural networks excel at image & video analysis, while recurrent neural networks enable chatbots & translation services

Invaluable to Artificial Intelligence

While neural networks form the foundation, deep learning takes it a step further with its multi-layered structure

The Road Ahead

Deep learning & neural networks will continue advancing in learning from complex data, leading to breakthroughs in fields like medicine, robotics, & artificial intelligence

Explore the Possibilities of Deep Learning & Neural Networks