Are Data Science Jobs Recession Proof?

The Answer Will Surprise You!

The recession more or less affects all industries and all companies. But many have formed an idea that Data Science jobs are recession-proof, which is not all true.

Data Science: A Luxury for Most Companies

Companies recently adopting Data Science and understanding its potential have yet to experience actionable insights. So when a recession hits, Data Science teams can be the first ones to let go due to its high-cost.

AI Companies Need Data Scientists

Companies that are heavily associated with AI models, AI and Machine Learning, emerging technologies, etc., require Data Scientists at every stage, even during a recession. Some of these companies are Accenture, Databricks, and Oracle.

Embrace Adaptation to Survive Recession

If you have skills that only support one role in Data Science or don't want to expand your skillset according to changing industry landscape, you may be unimportant for a company when a recession hits.

Data Science Skills: Revenue Catalysts

Data Science experts may have a wide range of skill-set. If your Data Science expertise is associated with revenue generation, then your role is important enough to survive recession.

Learn Recession-Proof Data Science Skills Today!