Can You Become a Machine Learning Engineer in 1 Year?

A Big Yes!

With proper roadmap and right skills, it is possible to become a Machine Learning Engineer in one year. Lets explore the steps involved

Building Strong Basics

Month 1-3:

Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics

#Step 1


Online courses

Exploring Key Concepts

Month 4-6:

Neural networks and deep learning

#Step 2

Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning

Applying Knowledge

Month 7-9:

Collaborating on open-source projects

#Step 3

Kaggle competitions and real-world datasets

Focusing on Your Niche

Month 10-11:

Computer Vision

#Step 4

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The One-Year Mark

Month 12:

Acknowledging knowledge gaps

#Step 5

Reviewing accomplishments and challenges

Learn the Skills Needed to Become a Machine Learning Engineer