Can You Start a Cybersecurity Career at 40?

Low Cybersecurity Unemployment

Cybersecurity job market experiences low unemployment rates

Global shortage of more than one million cyber workers

Age is not a barrier due to high demand

No Advanced Degree

Cybersecurity does not require advanced degrees

Skills and experience are prioritized over formal education

Lack of standardized requirements opens doors for career changers

Improved Retaining Process

Midlife career shifts are common and successful

Age 40 is seen as the new 30 in the workforce

Opportunities for career advancement and high salaries exist

Emphasis on Soft Skills

Employers value soft skills like communication and customer service

Cybersecurity offers opportunities to develop and utilize these skills

Managers are willing to train employees in technical areas

Age Advantage in Commitment

Older candidates are perceived as more committed

Employers seek workers with long-term dedication

Age stereotypes do not apply in cybersecurity

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