ChatGPT vs Bard: 5 Differences You Must Know

Information Accuracy

ChatGPT's knowledge database is restricted to 2021, and it does not provide sources of info

Bard provides real time latest information available on internet and gives sources of answers

Conversational Abilities

ChatGPT is good for Productivity and Creative Tasks

Bard is better for more informative output, due to its Integration with Google Services

Productivity and Creativity

ChatGPT is good for Productivity and Creative Tasks

Bard is better for more informative output, due to its Integration with Google Services

Use cases

ChatGPT: Customer support, Chatbots, Content generation, and General-purpose text-based tasks

Bard: Content summaries & generation, current events, language translation, Webpage Summarisation

Making Your Choice

Bard is better at creating human-like responses and giving current information

But chatGPT is better at optimizing content

Use chatGPT to create content but use Bard for research

Discover 5 Ways to Improve Your ChatGPT Experience