Crush the Data Science Learning Curve in 60 Days with these Skills

Week 1-4: Foundations

Learn Python programming for data analysis

Understand basic statistics and probability

Familiarize with essential libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Week 5-8: Data Wrangling

Explore data cleaning techniques

Master data manipulation with Pandas

Gain proficiency in data visualization for insights

Week 9-12: Machine Learning Basics

Grasp fundamental machine learning algorithms

Implement supervised and unsupervised learning models

Understand model evaluation and validation techniques

Week 13-16: Intermediate Topics

Delve into advanced machine learning concepts

Learn about deep learning and neural networks

Explore natural language processing and computer vision

Week 17-20: Specialized Areas

Delve into areas like natural language processing (NLP) or computer vision

Learn about deep learning architectures and frameworks

Engage in projects that apply these techniques to real-world problems

Week 21-24: Advanced Applications

Work on challenging projects

Explore big data technologies and distributed computing frameworks

Collaborate with experts

Week 25-26: Capstone Project

Apply all your skills and knowledge to a capstone project

Focus on areas for further growth

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