Do These Copywriting Exercises to AI-Proof Your Career in 2024

Mastering Emotional Intelligence in Writing

AI struggles with emotions and empathy. Enhance your copy with emotional intelligence

Exercise: Craft a piece evoking a specific emotion without relying on data or analytics

Storytelling with a Twist

AI can generate stories, but it lacks creativity. Develop your storytelling skills

Exercise: Create a narrative with unexpected twists and turns, engaging readers emotionally

Hyper-Personalization Techniques

AI can analyze data, but human touch is irreplaceable. Learn hyper-personalization

Exercise: Tailor a piece of content for a specific audience, making them feel uniquely understood


AI evolves rapidly. Stay relevant by adopting a continuous learning mindset

Exercise: Identify a new trend or technology in the copywriting field and create content incorporating it

Check Out the Highest Paying AI Career Choices in 2024

Learn How to Become a Copywriter in 2024