ALERT:  Godfather of AI is Warning Us All

Who is Godfather of AI?

A Renowned computer scientist Built a neural net in 2012 Research led the way for current systems like ChatGPT

Geoffrey Hinton

Google Loses AI Trailblazer

Recently made headlines when he abruptly resigned from Google, where he had been working for the past decade!

Dark Truths behind Resignation

He left because of concerns related to Overflow of fake information, videos & photos online AI potential to replace jobs Regrets contribution to the field

Secret Concerns of AI's Godfather

Chatbots becoming more intelligent and being exploited by bad actors AI-generated media making impossible to tell fact from fiction AI to take over jobs of paralegals, personal assistants, etc

Lessons for Professionals

Upgrading skills Hands-on with latest AI tools Constant learning

Future-proof your career to avoid AI takeover by working on

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