Landing Your First Job as a JavaScript Developer

Build a Solid Foundation

Practice: Build projects like personal websites, to-do list apps, or simple games

Master the Basics: Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript with resources

Portfolio: Use projects to solidify knowledge and skills

Create a Portfolio

About Me: Share your journey, interests, and goals in web development

Showcase Projects: Include descriptions, technologies used, and your role

Contact Info: Provide easy ways for employers to reach you

Learn Version Control

Pro Git Book: Comprehensive guide to learning Git

Git and GitHub: Essential for tracking changes and collaborating on projects

GitHub Learning Lab: Interactive tutorials to master GitHub

Join the Developer Community and Stack Overflow: Participate in discussions and Q&A

Network and Connect: Join online communities and local meetups

Jobs and Internships

Job Boards: Use LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, AngelList, and We Work Remotely

Tailor Applications: Customize resume and cover letter

Highlight Projects: Showcase skills and accomplishments

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