What's the Secret to Machine Learning Success?

Machine Learning Algorithms

Algorithms have made ML hit. These are computer programs designed to find insights from data to make predictions Lets' explore the top ML algorithms one by one

Logistic Regression

Statistical model used for binary classification problems. Common use cases: Predicting Customer Churn & Fraud Detection

Linear Regression

Statistical model used for predicting continuous numeric outcomes Common use cases: Predicting Sales, Stock Prices, & Other Numeric Outcomes

Regression Trees

Decision tree-based algorithm used for regression analysis Common use cases: Sales Forecasting, Fraud Detection & Credit Risk Assessment

Naive Bayes

A probabilistic algorithm used for classification and prediction tasks. Common use cases: Weather Prediction, Image Classification & Spam Filtration

Neural Networks

Inspired by the structure and function of the human brain helps recognize complex patterns and relationships in data Common use cases: Natural Language Processing & Speech Recognition

Dive into the World of Machine Learning Algorithms with Top Courses