Shocking AI Takeover:

300 Million Jobs at Risk

Bots Ready to Replace Humans

Goldman Sachs Economists have warned that over 300 million full-time jobs worldwide could be lost or diminished

Impact on Global Workforce 

18% of global workforce is susceptible to automation through Artificial Intelligence technologies

Advanced Economies Most Affected

In U.S., U.K., Japan, and Hong Kong, the automation threat intensifies, with up to 28% of the workforce at risk of being replaced by AI

IBM's Bold Move Sparks Alarm

In early May, tech giant IBM announced that it plans to replace almost 8,000 jobs with AI, with Human Resources professionals being the first to go

Top 5 Jobs Caught in the Crossfire 

Accountants Retail Services Customer Service Representatives Receptionists Translators

The Battle for Survival

The clock ticks and the workforce must sprint to acquire new skills, embracing lifelong learning to outrun AI's relentless pursuit

Ride the Wave & Don't be Swept Away