STEM vs. Humanities: Which Will Dominate the Job Market in 2024?

Top STEM Degrees by Pay and Demand

Architectural engineering: $90,000 per annum

Electrical engineering: Highest average income of $120,986 per annum

Least Valuable Degrees by Income

Visual and performing arts: $35,500/year

Other low-ranking majors: Music, clinical psychology, fine arts

Financial implications: Lower pay, higher joblessness

STEM Fields in 2024

Emerging roles: Data analysts, AI specialists, robotics engineers

World Economic Forum prediction: 97 million new jobs due to digitization

Top skills: Cloud computing, big data, e-commerce

Humanities in 2024

Emerging: Social media, blogging, Digital marketing

Cultural Consultancy: Advising on cultural trends, diversity initiatives

Top Skills: Communication, critical thinking, creativity

Which is Better?

Career is a personal choice. Success lies in your interest Statistically speaking, STEM degrees yield more ROI, but if your interest lies in Humanties, there is no point in investing in STEM degrees

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