The Best Coding Jobs to Target Now (2024)

Web Developer

Write code to create and maintain websites

Specialize in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development

Average Salary: $63,003 per annum

Best coding languages: HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby

Business Systems Administrator

Ensure functional and efficient computer systems for companies

Configure, upgrade, troubleshoot servers/networks, and monitor security

Average Salary: $72,152 per annum

Best coding languages: Python, Perl, Bash

IT Network Technician

Write code to automate IT solutions and administrative tasks

Basic coding skills can enhance efficiency in IT roles

Average Salary: $51,158 per annum

Best coding language: Python

Data Scientist

Leverage data to drive business decisions

Identify patterns, build algorithms/models, and visualize data

Average Salary: $99,344 per annum

Best coding languages: SQL, Python, R

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