The Secrets of Data Analytics is Out!

Types of Data Analytics

Predictive Analytics: Explores "Why did it happen?" and "What will happen?"

Descriptive Analytics: Answers "What happened?" using past data

Prescriptive Analytics: Recommends actions with "What should be done?"

Tools Used

Tableau & Power BI: Advanced data visualizations and dashboards

Spreadsheets: Basic analytics and easy data sharing

Low-code tools: Build analytics workflows without extensive coding

Real-World Applications

Finance: Automated trading and risk optimization

Marketing: Personalized recommendation systems

Advertising: Real-time programmatic ad buying

Skills Required

Proficiency in summary statistics and model-based inferences

Hands-on learning approach recommended (e.g., IBM’s courses)

Strong understanding of business needs and analytics tools

Future of Data Analytics

Real-time analytics will dominate business decision-making

AI and Machine Learning will revolutionize data insights

Growing demand for skilled professionals in data engineering, data science, and analytics

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