Top 5 Data Science Projects for Final Year Students in 2023

Breast Cancer Detection

Craft a model that differentiates between different types of breast cancer

Use Machine Learning to empower clinicians in delivering timely treatments

#Project 1

Visual Caption Generator

Use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM) to bestow machines with the power to 'speak' the language of images

#Project 2

Predicting Bitcoin Price

Predict Bitcoin prices by using machine learning algorithms

Use Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks

#Project 3

Diabetes Oracle

A predictive model for diabetes

Master the art of data visualization with Python’s pandas, showcasing the power of data-driven insights

#Project 4

Feedback Classification with Random Forest

Employ ML algorithms to unmask false profiles, enhancing the safety of online communities

Use Support Vector Machines (SVM) to unveil the identities

#Project 5

Discover the Job Outlook of a  Data Scientist After Final Year