Unmasking Spoofing:

Deception in Cybersecurity

What is Spoofing?

It's spoofing when cybercriminals pretend to be someone to win a person’s trust and to gain access to systems, steal data or money, or spread malware

Fooling the Eyes

Scammers, during spoofing attacks, psychologically manipulate victims by playing on vulnerabilities such as fear, greed, or lack of technical knowledge

Types of Spoofing Attacks

Email Spoofing Caller ID Spoofing IP Spoofing Facial spoofing Text Message Spoofing

How to Stay Safe from Spoofing?

Use strong password Avoid suspicious links & attachments Keep software updated Watch for poor grammar & spelling

Stay Informed

Do attend cybersecurity courses for a better understanding of spoofing attacks

Empower Yourself with Cybersecurity Skills to Defeat Spoofing