It is essential to be able think creatively, and innovate effectively in today's rapidly changing and evolving world. Sometimes it can be difficult to take a step back in a fast-paced environment or where you have to absorb large quantities of information. Employers are looking for people who can communicate and make sense of new ideas, think differently, solve problems in a fresh way and have a great deal of creativity. You can use some of these tools alone, while others are best for groups. This allows you to harness the collective power of many minds. Pick and choose the tools and techniques that best suit you. You can focus on any or all the chosen approaches in whatever order suits your interests.
This course is practical and will help you acquire the essential skills to generate ideas.
- Exercises and fun e-tivities
Practical tips and lectures;
Videos of techniques being demonstrated in action.
You should be able:
Choose a method of brainstorming that you believe will help with a particular challenge
Alphabet brainstorming is a way to tackle a problem
Grid brainstorming is a great way to tackle a problem
To synthesize a solution for a problem, use a morphological map
TRIZ Contradiction matrix is used to find the best inventive principles
To solve a variety of problems, you can use SCAMPER
People with the best ideas are often the greatest innovators. They are often people or groups that harness their creativity to create a better way of communicating ideas or a different perspective. It is possible to train your imagination and use it to see opportunities and break free from the routines and habits that limit your creativity.
This course is open to all!