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Course Features
4 months
Delivery Method
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Limited Access
Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Course Description
Course Overview
International Faculty
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Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions
Skills You Will Gain
A "second course" in algorithms and data structures, a la Georgia Techa\x80\x99sCS 3510-B or Udacitya\x80\x99s Intro to AlgorithmsFor the programming assignments, programming experience in a "low-level" "high-level" language like C or C++Experience using
What You Will Learn
Work-Span or Dynamic Multithreading ModelIntro to the basic algorithmic modelIntro to OpenMP, a practical programming modelComparison-based sorting algorithmsScans and linked list algorithmsTree algorithmsGraph algorithms, eg, breadth-first search
Distributed Memory or Network ModelsThe basic algorithmic modelIntro to the Message Passing Interface, a practical programming modelReasoning about the effects of network topologyDense linear algebraSortingSparse graph algorithmsGraph partitioning
Two-Level Memory or I/O ModelsBasic modelsEfficiency metrics, including “emerging” metrics like energy and powerI/O-aware algorithmsCache-oblivious algorithms