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Master Automation Testing with Java and Selenium Webdriver

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38.51 hours


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Teaching Type

Self Paced


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38.51 hours

Course Description

Zero java programming experience? No problem. Zero automation experience? No problem. Do you want to become a great programmer with java ? Do you want to become a great automation tester with selenium ? Do you want to learn to set up new automation test projects with junit, test ng and selenium webdriver? Do you want to learn creating automation test frameworks ? Look no further! Faq- what is included in this course? Java ? Yes. Junit ? Yes. Test ng ? Included. Selenium 3 ? Yes. Selenium advanced test scenarios ? Of course. Selenium standalone and grid ? Yes. Data driven tests ? Yes. Page object model ? Included. Build automation frameworks ? Yes. Cross browser automation testing? Yes. Of course. Some amazing reviews from our learners this course is very good. The instructor explains things clearly and provides lots of examples. Highly recommended. Easy exercises and several examples! This course was amazing. It was very in depth look at java and automation testing. I was a beginner automation test engineer but there are quite a few things that I will be using on my next automation project. I am able to understand it very quickly as voice and pronunciation is very clear. Also the instructor is very experienced in his topic. Excellent course for beginners - a right place to begin learning selenium with java. Very detailed, easy to follow. It is awesome. Course overview writing your first automation test with java and selenium webdriver is a lot of fun. Java is one of the most popular programming languages . Java offers both object oriented and functional programming features. Selenium can be used for screen scraping and automating repeated tasks on browser. In this course, you will learn programming with java and automation testing with selenium . We take a hands-on approach using eclipse as an ide to illustrate more than 200 java coding exercises, puzzles and code examples . We will also write more than 100 selenium automation tests with java for a wide variety of scenarios. In more than 350 steps, we explore the most important java programming features and selenium automation testing scenarios basics of java programming - expressions, variables and printing output using selenium ide and katalon studio to record and replay automation testing scenarios learn the basics of selenium webdriver exporting automation tests and setting up new maven project for j unit and test ng test ng vs j unit test ng advanced features - XML suite, test reports, running tests with parameters defined in XML and running tests in parallel basics of HTML, CSS and x path selenium locators - by id, by name, by link text, by partial link text, by class, CSS selectors and x path expressions setting and reading values from form elements - text, text area, check box , radio button, select box and multi select box advanced selenium automation testing scenarios - playing with windows, modal windows (sleep, implicit wait and explicit waits) , alert boxes, window handles and new browser window launches, frames, taking screenshots, executing JavaScript code, actions interface to control mouse and keyboard set up automation testing frameworks - tables important interfaces - web driver introduction to cross browser automation testing, headless testing and setting up a basic cross browser automation testing framework writing data driven testing with data providers, csv and excel spreadsheets implementing page object model for a complex test scenario scaling up with selenium standalone and grid java operators - java assignment operator, relational and logical operators, short circuit operators java conditionals and if statement methods - parameters, arguments and return values an overview of java platform - java, javac, bytecode, jvm and platform independence - jdk vs jre vs jvm object oriented programming - class, object, state and behavior basics of oops - encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism basics about java data types - casting, operators and more java built in classes - big decimal, string, java wrapper classes conditionals with java - if else statement, nested if else, java switch statement, java ternary operator loops - for loop, while loop in java, do while loop, break and continue java array and array list - java string arrays, arrays of objects, primitive data types, to string and exceptions java collections - list interface(array list, linked list and vector) , set interface (hash set, linked hash set and tree set) , queue interface (priority queue) and map interface (hash map, hash table, linked hash map and tree map() - compare, contrast and choose generics - why do we need generics? Restrictions with extends and generic methods, wild cards - upper bound and lower bound. Introduction to exception handling - your thought process during exception handling. Try, catch and finally. Exception hierarchy - checked exceptions vs unchecked exceptions. Throwing an exception. Creating and throwing a custom exception - currencies do not match exception. Try with resources - new feature in java 7. You will be using eclipse and brackets as the ide. You will be using maven, npm (dependency management) , test ng (XML test suite, parallel, multiple browsers) , j unit, selenium ide, katalon studio, selenium standalone and selenium grid. We will help you set up each one of these. What you can expect from every in28minutes course in28minutes created 20 best selling courses providing amazing learning experiences to 250,000 learners across the world. Each of these courses come with ? Amazing hands-on step by step learning experiences? Real project experiences using the best tools and frameworks? Awesome troubleshooting guides with 200+ fa qs answered? Friendly support in the Q&A section? Free udemy certificate of completion on completion of course here are a few reviews on the in28minutes way excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort . . Thanks a million a lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and than having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.

Course Overview


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Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

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Prerequisites are not available for this course

What You Will Learn

Basics of Java Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing Output

Using Selenium IDE and Katalon Studio to Record and Replay Automation Testing Scenarios

Learn the basics of Selenium Webdriver

Exporting Automation Tests and Setting up new Maven Project for JUnit and TestNG

TestNG vs JUnit

TestNG Advanced Features - XML Suite, Test Reports, Running Tests with Parameters defined in XML and Running Tests in Parallel

Basics of HTML, CSS and XPath

Selenium Locators - By Id, By Name, By Link Text, By Partial Link Text, By Class, CSS Selectors and XPath Expressions

Setting and Reading values from Form Elements - Text, TextArea, CheckBox , Radio Button, Select Box and Multi Select Box

Advanced Selenium Automation Testing Scenarios - Playing with Windows, Modal Windows (Sleep, Implicit Wait and Explicit Waits), Alert Boxes, Window Handles and New Browser Window Launches, Frames, Taking Screenshots, Executing JavaScript Code, Actions Int

Set up Automation Testing Frameworks - Tables

Introduction to Cross Browser Automation Testing, Headless Testing and Setting up a Basic Cross Browser Automation Testing Framework

Writing Data Driven Testing with Data Providers, CSV and Excel Spreadsheets

Implementing Page Object Model for a Complex Test Scenario

Scaling up with Selenium Standalone and Grid

Java Operators - Java Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators

Java Conditionals and If Statement

Methods - Parameters, Arguments and Return Values

An Overview Of Java Platform - java, javac, bytecode, JVM and Platform Independence - JDK vs JRE vs JVM

Object Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and Behavior

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