Personal Development
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Hands On Training
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Personal Growth Requires That You Change Your Thinking

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Course Features



4 hours


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

4 hours

Course Description

If you have been failing to get what you want out of life and if you have been feeling as though you are banging your head against the wall in your business, your relationships or your finances than the problem almostcertainlyoriginates from your brain. The way you are thinking, your creativity, your intelligence & hellip; all of it comes from the physical makeup of your brain and the way that you are approaching problems. The best way to approach any problem is by approaching it at its root and at its most fundamental level. In almost every case the root is you: it starts and ends with you. This course than is going to be the key to unlocking your full potential and to solvingallyour problems. It will help you achieve what you want and get what you want out of life by changing your thinking to be more in-line with the thinking of the world is most successful people. In this course I will take you step-by-step through the process of changing your thinking by teaching in a way that will help you understand the importance of applying the law of attraction in your thinking. We will go through a comprehensive section on goals and proper goal setting. We will delve deeply into the neuroscience and how you can hack your brain for better thinking, learning and retention. Since thinking involves your mind I will teach you powerful mindfulness techniques and show you how simple they are to practice. You will learn the 20 common traits all successful people practice and a whole lot more. There are plenty of downloadable materials to support you in your quest including several books.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


Prerequisites are not available for this course

What You Will Learn

Understand the importance of applying the Law of Attraction in your thinking

Achieve what you want and get what you want out of life by changing your thinking to be more in-line with the thinking of the world is most successful people

Powerful mindfulness techniques and how simple they are to practice

Course Instructors

Don Dalley


Brent Dalley is an entrepreneur living in the US who loves sharing knowledge and helping others grow and develop their knowledge and understanding. He developed the online education platform The IPG ...
Course Cover