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Accelerated Course in Copywriting and Content Writing

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Course Features



2.68 hours


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Mobile, Desktop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

2.68 hours

Course Description

Welcome to Accelerated Course in Modern Copywriting which sets you on the right track to become an influential copywriter.What happens in this course?Straightforward and without the fuss, you will practice how to feel, think and write as a world class copywriter. This course will help you become a powerful copywriter who can attract attention, engage your audience, and harvest actions. There are four modules. The first section is Copywriting Foundations. than we move on to Copywriting Foundations. This course will equip you with the tools to get started writing with impact and influence. These three tools will be with you all your copywriting journeys. You are a storyteller. Its awesome! Let's face it, reality is hard. Let's face the bitter side of reality. You are one of the 6000! Amazing copies are more about breaking the rules. Copywriting is no longer about products or services. It's about creating compelling stories. youaEUR(tm)re on the right course to learn that.How is this course different? You will learn techniques and strategies to manage all three with confidence, using the strategy worksheet, copywriting canvas and copy development worksheet. You will learn techniques to handle all three confidently, with first class Storytelling Mindset and techniques.Personalized data driven marketing, interactive technologies and immersive experience (like VR), intertwine with transmedia narratives have brought communication to a next level. The Storytelling Mindset is the key to writing compelling copy. This is the key to writing compelling copy. Next, we will discuss how to create copywriting strategy and than how to organize your ideas using the unique story development framework. You will be able to use examples and other activities to reinforce your learnings in each of the four sections. You will find many examples to help you reinforce your knowledge in the most common copywriting uses cases, such as landing pages, headlines, taglines and writing for email campaigns and social media. We will look at best practices from both large multinationals and small businesses, both in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. All those real world examples and practices are here to make sure you finish the course with confidence, credibility, and expertise to write impactful copies.Where to apply your copywriting skills?Professional copywriting for all sorts of digital content like landing pages, call to actions, social media posts, emails, ads, as well as speeches, printed brochures...Marketing/branding/content strategies and tactics, brand storytelling, key messaging, campaign design...Leading prospects on and off the sales/marketing funnel, building content journey...Marketing/sales/fundraising pitch Internal/external stakeholders communication Thought leadership, business cases, success stories, demos, seminars, webinars...

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


Just step in! Sip on your favorite beverage. Have post-its or pens in few colors handy and loosen up your creative mind.

What You Will Learn

Straightforward and without the fuss, write sensational copies that win attention, engagement and action on digital platforms

Master the top five types of copywriting (direct response, marketing, SEO, brand and technical copywriting)

Use evaluation tools to measure copywriting success

Influence decision-making with copies that resonate emotionally and communicate rationally on digital platforms

Learn writing for B2W (Business to Whatever: Customer, Business...)

Breathe storytelling into content strategy and a bunch of keywords which real-time analytics won’t spit out

Creatively translate insights to narratives on every step of customer/audience journey in sales/marketing funnel

Gain influential power with three unique and exclusive tools: Strategy worksheet, copy development framework and copywriting canvas

Course Instructors

Author Image

Fred Rouhani


Three Time Entrepreneur, Business and Corporate Storytelling Professional Trainer, Entrepreneurship and Business Coach, Founder at Master Storytellers Institute
Course Cover