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Access S3 bucket from EC2 Instance using Terraform

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90 minutes


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Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

90 minutes

Course Description

Lab Details

This lab explains how to access the S3 bucket from EC2 Instance with IAM Role.

Duration: 90 minutes

AWS Region: US East, N. Virginia us-east-1


What is EC2?

AWS refers to it as Elastic Compute cloud.

You can rent a virtual environment to create your own environment, and it's free.

These virtual machines are known as Instances by Amazon.

You can use pre-configured templates to launch instances. These templates are known as images. These images are available from Amazon in the form AMIs (Amazon Machine Images).

This allows you to create custom applications and services.

It is simple to scale infrastructure, i.e. up or down depending on your demand.

AWS offers multiple configurations of memory, CPU, and storage. You can choose the flavor that is best for you.

What is Amazon3?

Simple Storage Service stands for S3.

It allows object storage via a web service interface.

Every object is saved as a file, with metadata and assigned an ID number.

Objects uploaded via S3 are kept in containers called "Buckets", which have unique names worldwide. They are responsible for organizing the Amazon S3 namespace at its highest level.

Amazon S3 makes buckets in the area you specify.

These buckets can be assigned permissions to allow or deny data transactions.

What is Terraform?

It is an open-source IaaC software tool (Infrastructure as a code), where you can define and create resources using providers that are part of the declarative configuration language JSON.

Terraform allows you to package code and reuse it in the form of modules.

It supports many cloud infrastructure providers, including AWS, Azure and GCP, IBM Cloud, OCI, IBM Cloud, OCI, IBM Cloud, OCI, and IBM Cloud.

Terraform is divided into four main commands

Terraform init

Terraform plan

Terraform is available

terraform destroy

Course Overview


Virtual Labs


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

Learn how to launch a lab environment

This video will show you how to set up Visual Studio Code

This video will show you how to create a variable file

This tutorial will show you how to create an S3 bucket and all its components in maintf

By checking the version, you will be able to confirm the Terraform installation

This video will show you how to apply terraform configuration

This video will show you how to check the resources in AWS console

Learn how to validate the laboratory

Learn how to delete resources

Course Cover