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AWS CloudFormation Challenge

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Course Features



90 minutes


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

90 minutes

Course Description

Challenge Instructions

Region: Be sure to use us-east-1 Region to create all the resources The requirements for the challenge will be given to you. Before you take on this challenge, we recommend that you review our hands-on Labs if you are not familiar with AWS Cloud. Challenge Duration: 60 minutes

How do you submit the challenge?

To validate that you have successfully completed the challenge and built the necessary infrastructure, click the Validate button. Status of validation Congratulations! You've successfully completed the challenge. Failed - This means that you have not completed the challenge.

After you have validated the challenge successfully, click on End Lab.

Cloud Challenge Details

This lab challenge will test your Amazon CloudFormation skills. A requirement will be presented to you and you must meet it with your Amazon CloudFormation knowledge and Amazon EC2 skills. The Lab Challenge will help you to understand real-world scenarios.

A company XYZ wants to deploy a new web app. They will need to upgrade the server from t2.micro or t2.medium to improve performance. Next, they will add HTTP in security group inbound rule that is accessible on Port 80. This will remove the existing SSH entry, which is accessible via port 22, and then update the output. It should display the private IP. You now have to update CloudFormation using the Change set. Designer can be used to create a Change Set.

Copy the S3 Object URL of EC2InstanceInput.template file present in S3 bucket starting with name whizlabs.

Create Cloudformation stack using S3 Object URL of EC2InstanceInput.template file with below details

EC2 Instance -- t2.micro

SSH Port open.

Wait until CloudFormation stack status changes from CREATE_COMPLETE to CREATE_COMPLETE

Upgrading the Cloudformation Stack

Increase server capacity, from t2.micro up to t2.medium

SSH Port Access Restrictions

Provide HTTP Port Access

Show Private IP instead.

Check if your server has increased in capacity by executing the Changes.

To complete the challenge, click on Validate

Course Overview


Virtual Labs


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

You will learn how to Copy the S3 Object URL of EC2InstanceInputtemplate file present in S3 bucket starting with name whizlabs

You will learn how to Create Cloudformation stack using S3 Object URL of EC2InstanceInputtemplate file with below details

Learn how to create an EC2 instance - t2micro

Learn how to open a SSH Port

Learn how to wait until CloudFormation stack status changes before you CREATE_COMPLETE

This video will show you how to update the Cloudformation stack to:

This course will teach you how to increase server capacity from the t2micro level to the t2medium

This article will show you how to remove SSH Port access

This video will show you how to provide HTTP port access

This course will teach you how to replace the output so that it shows Private IP instead

Learn how to execute the changes and verify that the server has increased in capacity

To complete the challenge, you will need to click on Validate

Course Cover