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Professional Certificate in FinTech

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Course Features



5 months


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop












4 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Nominated to the 2020 edX Prize

Technology and finance have an intertwined history that dates back to the early coins, all the way through today's cryptocurrencies. The world of finance has been transformed at an incredible pace over the past decade by the rapidity of change and the ever-increasing number of new entrants –, from startups to tech companies, from emerging markets to global markets, –. This is most evident in large emerging markets like India and China.

This interdisciplinary professional certificate program in FinTech will teach you about FinTech and the challenges and opportunities it presents. This Professional Certificate program will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand how finance and technology interact across the financial system. It also provides insight into major technologies and emerging business models.

This program is for people working in FinTech, technology, regulation, or finance. It also includes subjects related to these subjects. Every course brings together FinTech experts from many backgrounds, including entrepreneurs, market professionals, and professors. Each course is designed by top academics from different disciplines and includes input from industry leaders such as SuperCharger, PwC, Microsoft, PwC, and the Asia Capital Markets Institute. It will give you the tools to transform your future in FinTech. Each week you will learn more about the major trends in finance, technology, and regulation to help you better prepare for the challenges and opportunities.

The University of Hong Kong is a world-renowned university with a reputation for excellence in finance, law, and technology. HKU has identified FinTech as an area of strategic interdisciplinary research, teaching and research. HKU offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

The Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM), recognizes learners who have completed the Introduction to FinTech course.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

What FinTech is and how it is transforming the world of finance around the world

Understand the major technologies involved in FinTech and the major players in the market, including startups, TechFins, traditional financial institutions and regulators

Learn about blockchain, its design, uses, potential and limitations

The opportunities of FinTech but also the risks and challenges of the technological transformation of finance

Understand not only the current landscape but also develop the tools to understand future trends and developments

Course Instructors

Douglas Arner

Kerry Holdings Professor in Law

Douglas W. Arner is the Kerry Holdings Professor in Law at the University of Hong Kong and Project Coordinator of a major five-year project funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Theme-based...

Siu Ming Yiu


S.M. Yiu is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Yiu has received numerous teaching awards including the outstanding teaching award of HKU, best teach...

Huy Nguyen Trieu

CEO of The Disruptive Group & Co-founder of CFTE

Huy Nguyen Trieu is co-founder of the Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship. He is also the CEO of The Disruptive Group - a business builder and advisory firm in innovation and finance....

Ross Buckley

Professor of International Finance Law

Ross Buckley is King & Wood Mallesons Professor of International Finance Law, and a Scientia Professor, at UNSW Sydney, and Series Co-Editor of the Global Trade Law Series and International Banking a...
Course Cover