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Projects in MongoDB - Learn MongoDB Building Projects

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Course Features



12.13 hours


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Lifetime Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

12.13 hours

Course Description

Do you want to learn a simple, but powerful database software? A database that is free and easilysolves the problem of indexing, storing and load balancing, all in one. This is where MongoDB comes in. MongoDB is a powerful and open-source, cross-platform database program. It is classified as a no SQL database, and stores data in json-like documents with dynamic schemas, known as bson. This results in MongoDB being able to run on a small ram and is comparatively faster than a lot of dbms out there. MongoDB is extremely flexible and is a great database for companies that consider scaling. Because of its high-end features, many companies such as mtv, craigslist, e bay and foursquare have adopted the system as its backend software. Well, you don't have to be far behind anymore. In this structured tutorial, you will learn how to start working with MongoDB, including the ins and outs of the database system. You will learn how MongoDB can benefit you and how you can incorporate it in your business. That's not all, our course combines the power of theory as well as practical all under one roof. In addition to brushing up on the syntax and features of MongoDB, you will also learn other technologies and languages while learning how to actually use MongoDB in practical applications. Some brilliant features of MongoDB are: document-oriented MongoDB can store the business subject in the least amount of documents ad hoc queries supports ad hoc queries by field, range and regular expressions indexing any field in a document can be indexed, with availability of secondary indices replication provides high availability with replica sets, both of which can work as primary or secondary replica set file storage can be used as a file storage system server-side JavaScript execution allows JavaScript to be used in queries, aggregation functions and can also be sent directly to the database for execution capped collections supports fixed-size collections called capped collections other technologies that you will learn in this course include: json/bson, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, node.js, express, angular, meteor, mean stack, ruby on rails, socket. Io and so much more. You will build 12 different projects from scratch to get hands on experience with this brilliant database technology.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Skills You Will Gain


Prerequisites are not available for this course

What You Will Learn

You will learn how MongoDB can benefit you and how you can incorporate it in your business

You will also learn other technologies and languages while learning how to actually use MongoDB in practical applications

Course Instructors

Eduonix Learning Solutions


Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it ...
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