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SQL Basics for Building Solid Queries and Getting Database Concepts

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2.3 hours


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Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

2.3 hours

Course Description

SQL is the most in-demand skill to learn. No surprise that SQL developers are earning the highest salaries in the IT industry. Want to learn why we need SQL statements in every single programming language? This SQL developer tutorial on SQL basics will fill you in to the subject and get you on track with the most-needed tool.

Why is it important to get the SQL basics or SQL certifications for beginners?

In the most simple way, SQL is the language that allows you to interact with the database. One day, you might encounter a chance when you run out of Excel lines (which happens when you reach 1 million in a sheet). Or you may face an enormous variety of related data that it’s unbearable to manage. For example, in cases when you need to analyze customer behaviors. For that, you’d need to check their transactions, then any support inquiries they made, customer’s contact details – everything in one place. (And if you have big numbers of customers, you’ll eventually run in a dead-end reaching the 1M Excel lines.)

To handle this much of data, you’ll need a computer language that will put it into a database and provide you with the ability to extract the data out. The only way to give information back to your users according to their requests is by SQL statements. And for that, you need the SQL. As we know, the digital age is marked by the growing amount of Big Data, so you better learn SQL basics and jump into the train at the right time.

What will you take away from this SQL course?

This course is organized into a clear roadmap so that you have the best way to learn SQL. After the introductory part which you can peek into for free, you’ll follow 5 sections to get a hold of the SQL basics.

  • Section 2 of this SQL developer tutorial will help you understand the SQL fundamentals. Here, you’ll practice with building blocks, learn how to select records from a database, and start working with arithmetic expressions.
  • In Section 3, you’ll already start playing around with conditioning sorting and operators. You will write comparison operators using SQL. Things like sorting the results in a database will also fall into this part of the course.
  • Section 4 is devoted to functions. You’ll surely learn to use the main functions (such as character, number, date, general-purpose, or nesting functions) which will contribute to your writing SQL queries.
  • In Section 5, you’ll learn grouping multiple-row functions on a single table or many tables.
  • Finally, Section 6 is all about explaining Joins.

This SQL course is suitable for complete beginners, and I strongly recommend it to university and college students if you want to learn writing SQL queries quickly. And of course, those who will finish this SQL developer tutorial will walk away with SQL certifications for beginners.

Learn SQL basics quickly with real-world examples

The best way to learn SQL is by combining the theory with realistic examples. From my personal experience (working as a freelance developer and web designer from 2011), I’ve got an extensive portfolio of these. So, learn to build a robust SQL query and many more fundamentals for your career. I’ll see you inside the SQL developer tutorial!

Course Overview


International Faculty


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Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


No prior knowledge is necessary


What You Will Learn

You'll get solid SQL basics

You'll build a proper understand of complex SQL concepts

You'll be able to write robust SQL queries

You'll know how to use SQL to extract data from a database

Course Content

Course Instructors

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Jazeb Akram


Jazeb Akram is a Data Scientist and has been working as a Developer consultant. He has been working as a Freelancer since 2011. He designed various Applications for many companies and also training i...

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