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AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional

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Course Report - AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional

Course Report

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Course Features


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Mobile, Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Pro Course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of DevOps in AWS. By enrolling in this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become a professional cloud DevOps Engineer. The course covers various aspects of DevOps, including deploying AWS infrastructure and testing them.

One of the key benefits of this course is that it prepares you for all exam objectives. You will be well-equipped to tackle the AWS Professional Exam through video lectures, practice exams, and hands-on labs. Whether you are an IT engineer or a professional looking to enhance your skills, this course is suitable for anyone seeking professional certification in DevOps.

By completing the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Pro Course, you will have the necessary expertise to excel in the field of cloud DevOps engineering. This certification is highly regarded and will open up numerous career opportunities for you. Whether you are new to DevOps or looking to advance your existing knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the essential topics.

In conclusion, the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Pro Course offers a valuable opportunity to gain professional certification in DevOps engineering. With its comprehensive curriculum and hands-on approach, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to thrive in cloud DevOps engineering.

Course Overview


Virtual Labs


Job Assistance


Personlized Teaching


Case Based Learning


Post Course Interactions


Case Studies,Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


There is no pre-requisite for the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam You can directly appear for this amazon AWS certification exam

Here are some recommended prerequisites for AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Certification:

At least two years' experience managing, provisioning, and operating on AWS

Experience in code development using any high-level programming language

Basic understanding of operation methodologies and process

Experience in Automated infrastructures building and operating system administration

What You Will Learn

Provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform

Implement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS

Define and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWS

Design, manage and maintain tools to automate operational processes

Implement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validation

Implement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platform

Target Students

If you are a DevOps engineer or an experienced AWS cloud engineer who wants to learn advanced automation and features on the AWS platform then, this certification is for you

Course Reviews

Average Rating Based on 5 reviews



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