Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure - Advanced (DCACIA) v1.0 - On Demand
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Course Features
40 hours
Delivery Method
Available on
Lifetime Access
Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Video Content
40 hours
Course Description
Course Overview
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Skills You Will Gain
Basic understanding of Cisco ACI
Understanding of Cisco data center architecture
Familiarity with virtualization fundamentals
What You Will Learn
Explain Cisco ACI advanced fabric packet forwarding
Explain advanced ACI policy and tenant configuration
Describe Cisco ACI Multi-Pod deployment
Explain the details and consideration of implementing and integrating traditional network with Cisco ACI
Describe Cisco ACI Service Graph Policy-Based Routing (PBR)
Describe Cisco ACI Multi-Site deployment
Target Students
Network designer
Network administrator
Network engineer
Systems engineer
Data center engineer
Consulting systems engineer
Technical solutions architect
Field engineer
Server administrator
Network manager
Storage administrator
Cisco integrators and partners