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Introduction to CFD using MATLAB and OpenFOAM : Skill-Lync

Course Cover
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Course Features



12 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Fluids are essential to our existence. Fluids are essential for survival and living. It is therefore essential to understand the fluids and be able predict/simulate their behavior under certain circumstances. This will allow us to make these fluids work for our benefit. CFD is a tool that can help us understand how fluids behave under certain circumstances. CFD can be used to simulate fluid behaviour using modern computing capabilities.

This course will teach you OpenFOAM and MATLAB. MATLAB is an interactive programming platform for scientific computing. OpenFOAM, a popular open-source software program for Computational Fluid Dynamics, is well-known. This course is in the CFD domain. The students/professionals who want to establish a career in simulating/studying how a fluid interacts with different mechanical systems and finding ways to optimize the system can take up this course. CFD is used in a variety of areas, including Aerospace, Construction, Power and Energy and Turbo-machinery.

This course will give you the foundational knowledge of CFD and how it can help optimize a mechanical system. Through solving CFD problems, you will also gain a working knowledge.

Our reliance on computers is increasing as our machines become more sophisticated every day. Many industries are now using CFD. Advanced computing capabilities are solving problems that were previously impossible. CFD will be the preferred method of testing in the future as technology becomes more affordable. This will lead to a significant increase in its usage. CFD's future job prospects are bright.

Course Overview


Job Assistance


Post Course Interactions


Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Skills You Will Gain


Engineering Students/Engineering Graduates

What You Will Learn

The introductory module of the MATLAB certification course deals with the concept of computational fluid dynamics and its significance

You will learn about Navier-Stokes equations and how they are derived

This is followed by the essential mathematical and dynamic concepts like Basic Vector Calculus and essential fluid dynamics quantities

You will learn to write MATLAB scripts and solve standard CFD problems using the Finite-Difference Approach

The final section of the course teaches you the application of OpenFOAM software

You will also work on major projects like simulating 2D unsteady/steady heat conduction equations and simulating Quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic nozzle in FDM using the MacCormack Method

The minor projects covered in this course include laminar flow and BlockMesh Generation

Target Students

For Students seeking a hands-on approach to setting up and solving CFD problems

For Freshers seeking job opportunities as a CFD Developer or CFD Applicaton Engineer

For Professionals looking to upskill and learn how to use a CFD solver on complex CFD problems that might be hard to program manually

Course Cover