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MicroMasters® Program in Software Development

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Course Report - MicroMasters® Program in Software Development

Course Report

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Course Features



9 months


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop












8 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Software development is a time-consuming business. Software developers who succeed are able learn quickly new technologies and software systems. They do this by looking at any software – in any programming language as repeating patterns and not detailed lines of code.

This program will teach you the same expert thinking. You will be able to learn Java, JUnit and IntelliJ IDEA technologies by working on several software development projects. You will also learn to recognize common structures within programs and tools, and how to use these skills to quickly master new technologies.

This program will teach you how to create programs with a systematic approach. It also teaches you how to make programs easy to maintain. In order to create software programs that solve real-world problems, you will also be able to apply agile methods.

You will be able to apply for any position that requires programming languages or technology if you have learned the skills required by this program.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions


Case Studies, Captstone Projects

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

How to develop programs that are well tested and easy to modify

To structure the development of large software systems using abstraction and decomposition

To quickly write and revise code using programming tools

How to do full-stack software development using an agile approach in a pair or team

Popular languages Java and Typescript, and the ability to quickly learn new ones

Target Students

Unfortunately, learners residing in one or more of the following countries or regions will not be able to register for this course: Iran, Cuba and the Crimea region of Ukraine

While edX has sought licenses from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to offer our courses to learners in these countries and regions, the licenses we have received are not broad enough to allow us to offer this course in all locations. edX

Course Instructors

Reid Holmes

Associate Professor, Computer Science at University of British Columbia

Reid is an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Reid's research interests are in the human aspects of software engineer...

Gail Murphy

Professor of Computer Science at University of British Columbia

Gail is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research interests are in improving the productivity of software develop...

Elisa Baniassad

Instructor in Computer Science at University of British Columbia

Elisa is an instructor in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. She has also taught at Trinity College Dublin, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Australian National University. Elisa got her PhD at UBC in 2001.

Gregor Kiczales

Professor of Computer Science at University of British Columbia

Gregor is Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and a Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery. His career long research goal, continued in this course, is to en...
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