Course Report
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Course Features
40 hours
Delivery Method
Available on
Limited Access
Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Video Content
40 hours
Course Description
Course Overview
Virtual Labs
Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions
Case Studies, Captstone Projects
Skills You Will Gain
This course requires a basic understanding of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN)
It also requires a basic knowledge of Linux
What You Will Learn
This course provides conceptual and hands-on skills around ONAP, including the basics of Network Function Virtualization (NFV); an overview of ONAP architecture, subprojects, and use case blueprints
ONAP modeling overview; interfacing with ONAP; network service design, orchestration, and lifecycle management; the ONAP Policy framework; closed control loop automation; and troubleshooting
Target Students
This course is most relevant for technical teams at service providers and enterprises who develop, deploy, and scale their networks and next-generation services, especially in light of the growth in 5G and edge computing