Course Report
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Course Features
4 hours
Delivery Method
Available on
Limited Access
Mobile, Desktop, Laptop
Teaching Type
Self Paced
Video Content
4 hours
Course Description
Course Overview
Virtual Labs
International Faculty
Post Course Interactions
Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions
Skills You Will Gain
Introduction to SQL
What You Will Learn
This course teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary to create and manage your own PostgreSQL databases
This course teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary to create and manage your own PostgreSQL databases
Topics that will be covered include the structure of PostgreSQL databases, PostgreSQL datatypes, and normalization of databases to efficiently store data and avoid data loss
These topics will be taught using data from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to guide the lessons and provide context for the concepts covered in the course
Course Content
Module 1: Chapter 1: Structure of PostgreSQL Databases
1. Creating a database
2. New database creation
3. Motivation for a new database
4. Creating tables
5. Name that table
6. Two tables and a foreign key connection
7. Creating schemas
8. User-level schemas
9. The public schema
10. Creating tables in existing schemas
Course Instructors
Course Reviews
Average Rating Based on 3 reviews