Science & Social Sciences
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Hands On Training
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The Conquest of Space: Space Exploration and Rocket Science

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Course Features



7 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Mobile, Desktop, Laptop












4 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Space exploration plays a major role in the history of humankind. The cultural, political and sociological repercussions are extraordinary, and the amount of resources dedicated to space exploration is enormous. This aerospace course is a first step for those interested in learning more about the history of the space and the impact of space exploration on our daily lives.

Each week we will focus on a major chapter in the history of space exploration accompanied by an introduction to the relevant technical topics to fully understand these historical developments. During the seven weeks of the course, we will follow the technical, political and cultural contexts that lead to the birth of the space age, uncover the evolution of space exploration from competition to cooperation in the Apollo and post-Apollo era and finally, analyze current trends in space exploration.

By successfully completing this course, you will acquire the critical tools to understand the key events and developments of the Space Age. You will learn to solve basic technical and engineering problems of space travel, rocket propulsion, space systems, and human space flight.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


High-school mathematics and physics

What You Will Learn

The history of space exploration and its cultural, political, and scientific impact

Fundamentals of aerospace engineering, including how to move in space and how rockets work

The key aspects of space systems and the space environment

Current trends and future projects in space exploration

Course Instructors

Author Image

Manuel Sanjurjo Rivo

Assistant Professor at the Aerospace Department at UC3M

Dr. Manuel Sanjurjo Rivo is an assistant professor at the Aerospace Department of UC3M. His research interests range from celestial mechanics to space tether dynamics or trajectory optimization. He t...
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Mario Merino

Assistant Professor at the Aerospace Department at UC3M

Mario Merino is a PhD Aerospace Engineer and an assistant professor at the Aerospace Department of UC3M, where he and his team research such exciting topics as electric space propulsion and next-gene...
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Eduardo Ahedo

Chair of Excellence as Professor of Aerospace Engineering at UC3M

Eduardo Ahedo holds a Chair of Excellence as Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is currently Chairman of the Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering Departmen...
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Manuel Soler

Assistant Professor, Department of Bioeng. and Aerospace Engineering at UC3M

Manuel Soler has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering. He is currently Assistant Professor at UC3M, Department of Bioeng. and Aerospace Engineering, where he leads the Air Navigation and Control research l...
Course Cover