Need Promotion at Work? Time to Develop these 5 Soft Skills

08 June 2023

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Need Promotion at Work? Time to Develop these 5 Soft Skills


Table of Contents

  • Description

  • Top 5 Critical Skills

  • Conclusion


Looking for a promotion this year? You have come to the right place!

We all think we need to be better at something to get promoted. The question is what and how? Brian Tracy said, "Clarity is essential. Knowing what you want exactly builds your self-confidence". So if you are clear that your objective is to get a promotion, that itself is the first step.

When I coach and mentor senior executives, I find, 6 out of 10 are looking for advancement in their careers and yet struggling to achieve it. But that need not be your case. A carefully thought-through plan and execution strategy will help you attain the promotion you are looking for. There are 2 parts to develop your capabilities and skills:

  • Mindset: How you see, perceive and view the world around you – your beliefs and way of thinking determines your behavior and outlook and how you will interpret and respond to situations.
  • Skillset:How you act and behave based on your capabilities, knowledge, understanding, and motivation to put your abilities to us, i.e., your skillset.

Let us now talk about mindset and the skills required to get ahead. There are 5 critical skills you should develop. Let us understand each of them in detail. 

Top 5 Critical Skills

Growth Mindset 

As per Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, a person can improve on capabilities and talents over time. Hence, the first step is to start believing in yourself that you will attain the required skills and capabilities and effectively put them to use to get your next promotion. 

You are bound to face numerous challenges and adversities along the way. A growth mindset will help build resilience and allow you to be perseverant. You will live a clear and purposeful life by being open to everyday challenges through learning and development. 

You will put aside thoughts of what should happen in life and opt for acceptance of what life brings. In addition, turning negative thoughts like perfection and obstacles with positive ones such as opportunity and growth will help. The following steps could help develop a growth mindset.

Assess where you are now

How do you consider yourself in the growth mindset pool now? Do you possess a growth mindset, and are you looking to make sure you stay that way? Or will you describe yourself as having a fixed mindset? Knowing where you stand is the first phase. If you are not able to understand where to go, its most likely because you do not know where you currently are.

Understand why you want to develop a growth mindset

Pen down reasons that will motivate you to change. Understanding this will give you purpose during difficult stages of life.

Change your view about failure

Look at failure as your current inability; but part of a larger learning process. As you embark on your promotion journey, you will face several obstacles, challenges, and setbacks; having a growth mindset will help you stay on track and promote emotional intelligence. 

Perceive Problems as Opportunities 

Dwelling on problems causes stress and hampers productivity but what if you could train your brain to see the same problems as opportunities? 

View problems as opportunities

Winston Churchill once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." You will mostly be expected to take on challenging projects and solve complex organizational problems at your workplace; hence viewing the same requires a shift. 

Every challenge should be viewed as an opportunity to grow and learn. Of course, there are times and places when we might want to avoid a challenge for good and realistic reasons. However, the trouble comes when we do not recognize that we are making excuses. 

Accept that problems are inevitable

Most of us react negatively to problems when they take us by surprise. Somewhere deep down, we are afraid of what other people might think or say and of what we may discover about ourselves. Instead of acknowledging our insecurities, we rant that ‘now is not a good time’ or that ‘this isn't the right opportunity; in reality, this is nothing but our fear of talking.

For example, a few decades ago, there was a massive earthquake in California that damaged roads and infrastructure and bought traffic to a standstill. Soon, television reporters were out on the roads interviewing people. 

They approached a visibly irritated man, and posed a question, "What do you think about this situation?" He shouted, screamed, abused the government, and went on and on. A few yards from this scene, another reporter approached a lady sitting inside her car, reading a book, and sipping hot coffee.

When they asked her the same question, she replied, "It is unfortunate what happened; however, we do not have control over nature; I knew I may get stuck in the traffic jam, hence I came prepared. I was planning to read this book for a very long time, and now I am using this opportunity to complete the same.” 

Hence we see that though the situation was the same for both individuals, one viewed it as a problem and another as an opportunity. Humans avoid discomfort and anxiety, and if we encounter a challenge, our immediate reaction is to get defensive; however, if we begin to see adversity as an opportunity, we will not become defensive, and fear will not kick in. If we do not fear, we will also be able to think clearly and objectively.


Strong and effective communication is a cornerstone for progress and advancement. To be a highly effective communicator in the workplace, one needs to develop the art of storytelling. Why? Because stories are a universal language that everyone can understand, regardless of age and position. Tap here to learn The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting by Skillshare.

Any story fosters imagination and creates a sense of community among listeners and tellers. Sharing a story is like painting a picture with words. People can fine-tune their storytelling skills and become storytellers on behalf of their organization, brand, or business. 

Let us talk about why we tell stories. Good stories always captivate audiences and good storytelling abilities will help you communicate effectively with your superiors. You will be able to express your ideas, thoughts, and opinions well thereby leaving a good impact on others at the workplace. 

Making conversation is the foundation of communication, and one must not ignore its importance. A plain, friendly conversation with colleagues helps build mutual trust, and there is no other better way to share a story or experience. Even a healthy chat with an unknown person can lead to a business opportunity.

Using stories in conversation can also help you connect better with people. Overall, be accessible and friendly because then you will be able to talk to almost anyone. 

Communication begins with you. Take complete responsibility and start communicating, do not wait and expect another person to do so, and do not hide behind online communication. Good communication requires far more than what we can express in a written message, especially on important topics. 

Personal Branding

Your brand is much more than a reflection of who you are today; it is a map of where you want to go. 

Undertake a self-analysis

In addition to understanding your existing skills and competencies, assess your strengths and weaknesses. Doing this will uncover the skills and capabilities that make you distinct, including areas where you need to improve. 

Be consistent

It is easier to get recognized for one area of expertise if you consistently create content and brand voice around it. Ensure that your brand stays consistent, both online and offline. You will have to demonstrate consistency across your communication, gravitas, and appearance. Do not underestimate how tiny inconsistencies can derail your personal brand effectiveness. 

Strong branding is required because when a group of senior managers comes together to decide who should lead the next high-profile project for the department, they will choose the one with better personal branding despite both individuals having the same capabilities and skills. 

Explore the course by Skillshare on Personal Branding: Crafting Your Social Media Presence.


Relationally intelligent people are influential people. They recognize it is their responsibility to manage themselves toward others, no matter what behavior others exhibit towards them. 

It is one’s personal responsibility to refuse to play the victim card. Therefore, it is helpful to learn about various communication styles, personality types, love languages, interests, cultural perspectives, and an overview of what makes people unique. Learn from Futurelearn's Course on Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work.

Firstly, learn to accept that each person is different and has a different thought process and approach. Though some relationships seem to stick immediately because of common interests and similar personality styles. 

Embracing differences and adapting quickly are signs of relational strength and maturity and help create more substantial connections.

Growth Mindset 

As per Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, a person can improve on capabilities and talents over time. Hence, the first step is to start believing in yourself that you will attain the required skills and capabilities and effectively put them to use to get your next promotion. 

You are bound to face numerous challenges and adversities along the way. A growth mindset will help build resilience and allow you to be perseverant. You will live a clear and purposeful life by being open to everyday challenges through learning and development. 

You will put aside thoughts of what should happen in life and opt for acceptance of what life brings. In addition, turning negative thoughts like perfection and obstacles with positive ones such as opportunity and growth will help. The following steps could help develop a growth mindset.

Assess where you are now

How do you consider yourself in the growth mindset pool now? Do you possess a growth mindset, and are you looking to make sure you stay that way? Or will you describe yourself as having a fixed mindset? Knowing where you stand is the first phase. If you are not able to understand where to go, its most likely because you do not know where you currently are.

Understand why you want to develop a growth mindset

Pen down reasons that will motivate you to change. Understanding this will give you purpose during difficult stages of life.

Change your view about failure

Look at failure as your current inability; but part of a larger learning process. As you embark on your promotion journey, you will face several obstacles, challenges, and setbacks; having a growth mindset will help you stay on track and promote emotional intelligence. 

Perceive Problems as Opportunities 

Dwelling on problems causes stress and hampers productivity but what if you could train your brain to see the same problems as opportunities? 

View problems as opportunities

Winston Churchill once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." You will mostly be expected to take on challenging projects and solve complex organizational problems at your workplace; hence viewing the same requires a shift. 

Every challenge should be viewed as an opportunity to grow and learn. Of course, there are times and places when we might want to avoid a challenge for good and realistic reasons. However, the trouble comes when we do not recognize that we are making excuses. 

Accept that problems are inevitable

Most of us react negatively to problems when they take us by surprise. Somewhere deep down, we are afraid of what other people might think or say and of what we may discover about ourselves. Instead of acknowledging our insecurities, we rant that ‘now is not a good time’ or that ‘this isn't the right opportunity; in reality, this is nothing but our fear of talking.

For example, a few decades ago, there was a massive earthquake in California that damaged roads and infrastructure and bought traffic to a standstill. Soon, television reporters were out on the roads interviewing people. 

They approached a visibly irritated man, and posed a question, "What do you think about this situation?" He shouted, screamed, abused the government, and went on and on. A few yards from this scene, another reporter approached a lady sitting inside her car, reading a book, and sipping hot coffee.

When they asked her the same question, she replied, "It is unfortunate what happened; however, we do not have control over nature; I knew I may get stuck in the traffic jam, hence I came prepared. I was planning to read this book for a very long time, and now I am using this opportunity to complete the same.” 

Hence we see that though the situation was the same for both individuals, one viewed it as a problem and another as an opportunity. Humans avoid discomfort and anxiety, and if we encounter a challenge, our immediate reaction is to get defensive; however, if we begin to see adversity as an opportunity, we will not become defensive, and fear will not kick in. If we do not fear, we will also be able to think clearly and objectively.


Strong and effective communication is a cornerstone for progress and advancement. To be a highly effective communicator in the workplace, one needs to develop the art of storytelling. Why? Because stories are a universal language that everyone can understand, regardless of age and position. Tap here to learn The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting by Skillshare.

Any story fosters imagination and creates a sense of community among listeners and tellers. Sharing a story is like painting a picture with words. People can fine-tune their storytelling skills and become storytellers on behalf of their organization, brand, or business. 

Let us talk about why we tell stories. Good stories always captivate audiences and good storytelling abilities will help you communicate effectively with your superiors. You will be able to express your ideas, thoughts, and opinions well thereby leaving a good impact on others at the workplace. 

Making conversation is the foundation of communication, and one must not ignore its importance. A plain, friendly conversation with colleagues helps build mutual trust, and there is no other better way to share a story or experience. Even a healthy chat with an unknown person can lead to a business opportunity.

Using stories in conversation can also help you connect better with people. Overall, be accessible and friendly because then you will be able to talk to almost anyone. 

Communication begins with you. Take complete responsibility and start communicating, do not wait and expect another person to do so, and do not hide behind online communication. Good communication requires far more than what we can express in a written message, especially on important topics. 

Personal Branding

Your brand is much more than a reflection of who you are today; it is a map of where you want to go. 

Undertake a self-analysis

In addition to understanding your existing skills and competencies, assess your strengths and weaknesses. Doing this will uncover the skills and capabilities that make you distinct, including areas where you need to improve. 

Be consistent

It is easier to get recognized for one area of expertise if you consistently create content and brand voice around it. Ensure that your brand stays consistent, both online and offline. You will have to demonstrate consistency across your communication, gravitas, and appearance. Do not underestimate how tiny inconsistencies can derail your personal brand effectiveness. 

Strong branding is required because when a group of senior managers comes together to decide who should lead the next high-profile project for the department, they will choose the one with better personal branding despite both individuals having the same capabilities and skills. 

Explore the course by Skillshare on Personal Branding: Crafting Your Social Media Presence.


Relationally intelligent people are influential people. They recognize it is their responsibility to manage themselves toward others, no matter what behavior others exhibit towards them. 

It is one’s personal responsibility to refuse to play the victim card. Therefore, it is helpful to learn about various communication styles, personality types, love languages, interests, cultural perspectives, and an overview of what makes people unique. Learn from Futurelearn's Course on Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work.

Firstly, learn to accept that each person is different and has a different thought process and approach. Though some relationships seem to stick immediately because of common interests and similar personality styles. 

Embracing differences and adapting quickly are signs of relational strength and maturity and help create more substantial connections.


Many of us may have been raised and taught to let our hard work "speak for itself." Unfortunately, that may not be enough when you are angling for a promotion. Getting promoted takes much more than just delivering your job well. Even if you are a high performer who takes the initiative and surpasses all goals, you often still have to convince your manager that you deserve a promotion. 

This process starts way before the performance appraisal. So firstly, be clear about your objective of advancing in the workplace, secondly work on your mindset; start with a growth mindset, a mindset that will help take all adversities and challenges head-on. View all the challenges as opportunities for you to develop and grow. 

In this process, you will have better emotional intelligence, clarity of thinking and plan execution strategies. Always strive to improve your communication. The more you work on it, the better you become. If you possess strong communication skills, you will be able to influence others better and make an impact.

Decide, communicate, and be consistent in your expertise and what you are expected to be known for, and keep communicating consistently offline and online. Lastly, build a strong network of supporters. You can do that by having superior relational skills with your peers, superiors, and in some cases, with your direct reporters.

If you work on these 5 critical soft skills, you are headed in the right direction toward a promotion at the workplace.


Table of Contents

  • Description

  • Top 5 Critical Skills

  • Conclusion